Share Valuation
Wondering what Share Valuation means? You can learn what it is in ValuStrat's comprehensive glossary.
Frequently Asked Questions
What problems do strategy consultants typically solve?
Strategic consultants aim to solve a wide array of problems related to organizational structure and designs, processes & systems, entry into new markets, diagnosis of various underlying issues in the business (profitability analysis), product mix and developments, supply chain, potential investment opportunities and many more with a clear objective of finding the answers to questions set by the management to make effective decisions.
What are the types of advisory services?
There are various types of advisory services that are provided by ValuStrat which include Transaction Advisory Services, Strategic Advisory Services, Financial Advisory Services, Management Advisory Services, Risk Assessment & Governance Framework, Real Estate Advisory Services, and Technology Advisory Services.
What do business advisory firms do?
Business advisory firms provide bespoke business consulting services with a focus on market development and strategy, business model & financial planning, startup support, transaction advisory services for mergers, acquisitions and divestments, technological advancements and implementations, organizational restructuring, design, and human capital.
How is the scope of a business strategy advisory determined?
The scope of the work is determined in close discussion with the client, keeping in mind the perceived outcome from the project that defines the nature of work required and the relevant expertise from the project team to be deployed.